Projeto Alquimia

Projeto Alquimia

According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatric Oncology (Sobope), childhood cancer is the second leading cause of death in Brazil in individuals aged 0-19 years. Annually, 12 thousand new cases appear in the national territory, but it is estimated that less than half arrive at specialized multidisciplinary treatment centers. The increase in cure rates is linked to the following factors: better treatment conditions and early diagnosis. In this context, contact with artistic activities, artistic practice and stimulating creativity are tools that promote new experiences, well-being and
integrate multidisciplinary practices that work with the relief of signs and symptoms.

Therefore, Ateliê 82 created a pilot project, called Alchemy, whose main objective is to promote children's contact with art and, through it, enable the expression of their feelings and emotions in a nonverbal way. Through artistic experiences held in weekly meetings, the proposal aims to enable learning, stimulate creativity, restore
sociability, promote non-verbal communication, improve self-esteem, work the skills and abilities of doing, using different materials. Techniques such as: drawing, painting, modeling and other two- and three-dimensional techniques will be applied. The process of developing activities will be concerned with adapting techniques and materials to the child's clinical conditions so that they can develop the proposals with pleasure and tranquility. If the child is unable to attend activities due to hospitalization, classes can be held at the referral institution of origin, with the authorization of the clinical team.
Projeto Alquimia in full

I want to be a sponsor!

If you want to be a sponsor of the Alchemy Project, just fill out the Term of Adhesion and send it to us by e-mail below or sign up by the "donate" button of the paypal. There are also other possibilities to collaborate with the project through online donations or bank transfers:

Bank transfer
Bradesco Bank
Agency: 2036
Account: 29079-3
Click to download the Term of Adhesion

Projeto Alquimia in the media

Below are the reports we were cited for:

Estadão newspaper, social responsibility column.

 (12 January 2020).

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